
Last blog

Hello my dear friends now I am writing the last blog about my challenge ( the 30 days challenge) It was one of the most interesting things that i did last 2 months and it was too important for me because I began studying my third language( Armenian language) improving my skills in speaking writing and how to pronounce their letters. I used three main sources to get the right information which are YouTube it is so important for pronunciation and , also I was using a book with a name (East Armenian course for gevorgyan).For now I don’t use google translate as much as i was use it . I can speak with confidence, now I don’t make mistakes as i was . When you start speaking in English here you will face 2 problems, the first one is : not all people here speak English, the second one is : people here don’t feel comfortable when I speak  English with them I mean the people in the street not your friends or something like that . This challenge helped me to make a new friends which is good for m

Day 20

 Hello guys now I am participating in 30 days challenge and I passed 20 days I guess , my challenge is to improve my skills in Armenian language because it is so important for me in everything I do there ( now I am in Iraq so I don’t have the same opportunity to do a good progress like when I was in Armenia). My main aim was   ⁃ To improve my Armenian skill in reading and writing and I did it especially in speaking ✅   ⁃ To know the Armenian alphabet and words and grammar ✅  ⁃ I did a lot of things that I am interested in like English club (they talk in English and in Armenian) so it was so helpful for me✅  ⁃  I made a new friends ( Armenians ) and I knew more and more about their culture,lives … . ✅ I used a lot of sources during these days like YouTube ( I recommend it too much for pronunciation and for the alphabet) google translator not so useful in pronunciation, and books for grammar. I spent about 30-60 minutes per day and people around me helped me , and also taxi drivers ( oka

30 days challenge

Hello guys now I am participating in 30 days challenge, mine is to improve my skills in Armenian language because it is so important for me . My main aim is improve my Armenian skill in reading and writing, to know the Armenian alphabet and words and grammar. I did a lot of things that I am interested in like English club ( they talk in English and in Armenian) so it was so helpful for me and I made a new friends ( Armenians ) and I knew more and more about their culture,lives … . I used a lot of sources during these days like YouTube ( I recommend it too much for spelling and for the alphabet) google translator not so useful in spelling, and books for grammar ( I asked one of my lecturer for the book ) . I spent about 30-60 minutes per day and people around me helped me , and also taxi drivers ( okay they are stupid, but they were useful ) . For my progress honestly I am not so satisfied because these days I have exams and also practice in botany  😃😃 . I hope that I will finish this

Armenian alphabet 1st part

 Armenian alphabet Ô± - Õ¡    it spells like ( A ) in English  Õ¡ Ö€Ö‡ (Armenian ) - a rev ( spelling ) - sun ( English ) Õ¡ Õ´Õº - a mp - cloud Õ¡ Õ² - a gh - salt Ô² - Õ¢ ( B ) Õ¢ Õ¸Ö‚ - b u - owl Õ½Õ´ Õ¢ Õ¸Ö‚Õ¯ - sm b uk - eggplant Õ¢ Õ¡Õ¬ - b al - cherry Ô³ - Õ£ ( g ) (Ú¯) Õ¯Õ¡Ö€Õ¡ Õ£ - kara q - butter Õ½Õ¡ Õ£ - sa g - goose Õ£ Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ¯ - g ndak - ball


  East Armenian course written by Arusyak V. Gevorgyan You can open it by google drive and download it

30 days challenge

 Hello guys I am Ali I am going to begin to participate in 30 days challenge. I want to improve my skills in Armenian language, Now I am living in Armenia and it will be useful for me to communicate with people ( not all of people can speak English here in Armenia ) . Now my level is Beginner and I want to improve it to be Intermediate . My plan is to learn Armenian alphabet well every letter with a few words and sentences and for sure we are going to learn grammar ( step by step it will be quite easy ) . Sources that I am going to take information from are YouTube ( for Armenian alphabet and how do they spell ), books like East Armenian course written by Arusyak V. Gevorgyan ( for grammar and proverbs ...), and also songs ( the best way to learn new language for me hahaha) I will try to post videos that I will learn from , and also the book in pdf form .